
Q: How do I Track my move?

A:  Click on this TRACK link and simply enter your GBL and last 4 digits of your Social Security number.

Q: Whom do I contact to verify delivery of my shipment?

A:  ABC World Movers Traffic Specialists can be contacted either by email or by phone 800.427.2308.

Q: Who needs to be present during my delivery if I am deployed?

A:  An adult family member or a designated adult with signing authority needs to be present to accept your shipment.  Review your inventory sheets carefully and initial all items listed on each page for receipt of delivery.

Q: Whom do I contact if my shipment needs to be stored due to deployment?

A:  If your deployment will be longer than the authorized 90 days of storage, you are responsible for obtaining an extension from the Transportation Office (TO). We will be happy to help you with these requirements.

If a storage extension is not authorized, you the member is responsible for all storage costs.